The Ultimate Guide To RV Roof Repair

A well-maintained RV roof is essential to keep the clients’ vehicle in good shape for travel. RV roof repair and cleaning are essential to ensure that everything is in top condition. However, there could occur a point where the clients’ roof will require more than a thorough scrub. Cracks, scratches, and holes in the RV roofing aren’t something the client often finds that the client probably encounters at some moment or some other. However, there are some repairs the client can do to tackle the clientele.
The first step? A thorough cleaning
The initial step in any roof repair is identical across all roofing materials. Ensure the client thoroughly cleans the area to get rid of any dirt or debris that could hinder the repair materials from adhering to the surface.
Avoid using petroleum-based cleaners and abrasives that are harsh or acidic cleaning products made of citrus. They can degrade roof materials, which weakens them in time. There are specific cleaners designed for RV roof repair and every kind of roofing material.
Sealing the roofing
If the client’s EPDM roof or TPO appears flaky or chalky, it’s probably due for a new sealant. With time the protective layer on top coating wears off, making the client’s roof more vulnerable to UV damage and leaks.
Applying sealant shouldn’t be too difficult. When buying the roof coating with rubber or sealant, keep the client’s RV’s measurements in mind to ensure that the client gets the correct amount. After washing the roof and drying it, the client can apply the coating to the roof using identical roller-like paint.
Patching a tear or hole
If the client notices a small tear or puncture on the roof of the client’s RV, the roof will have to be repaired with patches. It is good to know that manufacturers have developed roofing tapes and patches for RVs that are simple to put on and last for a long time.
The majority of cases will require the client to clean the area before placing the patch on the area affected, similar to a bandage. Use a small-sized roller to eliminate any air bubbles and ensure that the patch adheres and the client’s all set to go.
Replacing the rubber roof on an RV
In certain instances, the entire roof may require replacement. Most of the time, this is an issue best done by a professional However, the process can be divided into five stages.
First, remove all the roof-mounted objects such as the A/C vents, A/C, and the like. Take off the old membrane of rubber and roofing sheeting. Put a new rubber membrane and sheeting underneath the rubber. Reinstall the objects on the roof. Apply sealant to the joints in addition to seams.If the client decides to attempt, then the client needs the advice of a specialist familiar with the clients’ specific machine and will provide the client with specific direction.
How to fix the fiberglass roof of the client’s RV
Certain RVs have fiberglass roofs. The client’s methods for these repairs may differ in comparison to rubber roofs, particularly the equipment the client requires.
Repairing fiberglass roofing
Like rubber roofs, the top coating on fiberglass roofs is prone to oxidation over time, creating the appearance of chalky, flaky. When cleaning, scrape any curled, loose bits of coating. Then rub fine to medium-grit sandpaper on the roof’s surface. A slight rub will permit the coating to stick. Rinse the surface again and apply the roof’s sealant using an application brush or roller.
To seal seams, apply self-leveling sealants designed to seal joints with fiberglass, just like the client would with a rubber roof.
Do the final touch with sealant and then finish the surface as required.
Before heading to the dealer to make repairs make sure to determine whether it’s something the client could make. Most RV roof repair is relatively simple and can be completed using supplies bought from an RV store or hardware store. If the client’s working on an RV roof repair DIY project in mind, continue reading. We’ve got some helpful RV repair tips for some of the most popular repairs to the roof of the client’s RV.