Benefits of studying NCERT Solutions during Examination

Benefits of studying NCERT Solutions during Examination


Every student has a major goal of securing the optimum score in board exams, once they step into secondary education. For this purpose, it’s very important to select the best study material which covers all the concepts from an exam point of view. There are numerous resources available in the market and hence choosing the correct one will be a difficult task. They end up selecting the wrong one which may lead to failure. Students who use NCERT Solutions on a regular basis, prepared by subject matter experts in PDF format, will achieve their goals effectively. This also helps them to study the concepts irrespective of time constraints. NCERT Solutions play a vital role in boosting confidence and exam preparation among CBSE students.

Students can learn more about NCERT Exemplar to come out successful not only in the board exams, but also in competitive exams like IIT, JEE at the national level. Toppers in JEE exams, recommend to follow NCERT books which are available in comprehensive format. Practising these books on a regular basis, helps students to clear their doubts quickly. It also assists them to cross check their answers and understand the steps to be followed in solving the problems. Those who aspire to gain proficiency in Mathematics are advised to follow NCERT Exemplar Solutions which explains all the concepts in a descriptive manner. The main objective of preparing these solutions by experts is to help students to come out with flying colours in academics.

Following are the tips to help students to perform better in the board exams

1. Solve NCERT textbook problems

Students are advised to solve the problems of NCERT textbook as most of the questions which appear in the exams are based on them. The textbook is curated by a teacher having vast experience in the education industry.

2. Prepare short notes during class hours

The habit of making short notes during class hours will help them to grasp the concepts easily. This helps them to speed up their problem solving skills in exams. In order to make this process much more effective, students can make a list of important formulas and thoerems.

3. Solve previous year sample and question papers

To analyse what percentage of chapter students have understood, it is essential to solve the previous year question and sample papers. This provides them with an idea of areas where they need improvement. This will help students to understand the marks weightage and important concepts from exam perspective.

4. Build a strong foundation of basic concepts

Memorizing the concepts a few days before the final exams is a waste of time as it will not help in any ways. Hence, students should understand the basic concepts in depth during class hours itself before solving the textbook problems. This helps them to solve the difficult problems with ease which might appear in board exams.

5. Practice problems on a regular basis

Practising textbook problems on a daily basis, helps students to analyse the types of questions that would appear in the exams. This also helps them to enhance their skills on the areas of weakness for better academic performance.

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Therefore, NCERT and even NCERT Exemplar Solutions are the best study resources to follow, in order to make students’ hard work fruitful. The solutions contain step wise explanations in a lucid manner to help students to appear for the exam with confidence and fearlessly.


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