UX Design and Web Usability as Ranking Factor

UX Design and Web Usability as Ranking Factor


What is a UX Design?

UX Design (User Experience Design) is a web design philosophy that seeks to create products that meet the needs of its end users, achieving a better user experience with the least possible effort on the part of a user.

In this process, a series of multidisciplinary techniques are used where each decision made must be based on the needs and expectations of the users. You can consult “Digitalmarketing” to get advice about user experience designs.

User Experience

From the beginning, the responsibilities within software design were divided between a web designer and a developer. Join the “SEO Forums” to check updates regarding web designers and developers.

However, as sites became increasingly complex therefore, demanding more work as increased as a result new roles emerged such as: information architects, system administrators, system architects, and many other supporting roles.

Currently, user experience design is made up of a series of activities (research, information architecture, interaction design, etc.) and include the knowledge of cognitive psychology, person-computer interaction, and even research design.

This list of insights is what sets a UX designer apart from a traditional web designer. Here, you can take the best advice from “Dubai SEO Company” regarding use of insights in the UX designer.

How to Implement User Experience on a Website?

In order to implement UX on a website, it is necessary reachout professionals in that area, since they not only know about web design or the implementation of tools, but they also know the functioning and cognitive process of the human being.

However, there are some basic principles on which the UX are based, they are:

  • Knowledge of the Human Being: Part of the UX is to know how the human being works within the network, to know his level of attention, the strongest points where the gaze lodges, etc.
  • Knowing the Users: Carry out studies before, during and after the launch of the product to the company’s target audience.
  • Clarity: Not all users master the same terms, not even in specialized topics, so it is good practice to define concepts and use everyday words, thus avoiding confusion and reducing the user’s cognitive effort.
  • Identify the Use: People use technology in a different way than the company can expect, so it is important to identify the true use and guide the user so that he also identifies it.
  • Simplicity: A few years ago the most important thing was to fill the entire space of the website, today that is unthinkable. Websites must leave spaces to rest the view of users and display their content in a simple and straightforward way.
  • Multiplatform: A very important aspect, valued by Google as by users, the same site must be able to work on all existing platforms and not lose its format.

Analysis Tools for User Experience

A common mistake when developing a website is to design it for interaction with site owners and not be optimized for users. This results in low page click conversion despite the traffic that can be generated. In this situation, there are tools available to evaluate the user experience on the website.


UserTesting offers a wide variety of services to measure the user experience. As a major attraction, it has a tool that allows you to choose the user profiles to be evaluated and even offers a service through which users who evaluate the website can be seen in real time.


This tool allows you to evaluate both the conversion and the user experience.


ClickTale allows you to view recordings of how users experience your website in its desktop or mobile version.


It allows access to a user research panel, generating feedback through surveys, keeping a record of visits and 6 other tools that on other sites require payment for each of them.


Using this tool you can test the ideas you want to implement on the website, obtaining feedback before implementing them.

Google Analytics

This Google measurement tool assigns a certain percentage of the website traffic to the different windows that your site has, in order to determine the effectiveness of the different pages within your site. In addition, it is free, making it a very attractive option in terms of price-effectiveness.

What is Not a User Experience?

User Interface (UI)

The user interface is a part of the user experience, but only that. There is much more behind the user experience that concerns everyone, not just designers.

Part of the Process

User experience is the whole process. It must be from the conception of the project to its continuous maintenance to be able to adapt to the trends that the market demands.


The user experience uses technology as a tool to help users achieve their goals. You don’t even need a screen, says Bill DeRouchey, director of interaction design at Ziba Design.


is important, but it is focused only on efficiency and effectiveness, while the UX includes other classes of characteristics such as learning capacity, emotional responses and behaviors towards products and services.

David Malouf, professor of interaction design at Savannah College of Arts & Design, comments: “Not everything has to be simple if it can be easily learned, and it is crucial that the product is attractive in the first place or people never interacted with it”.

The Work of a Single Person

UX designers show the most effective process to carry out the actions, it depends on all the members involved in the projects to make it a success.

User experience is not just the responsibility of a department or a person, says Livia Labate, director of information architecture and user experience at Comcast Interactive Media.

Differences between UX and UI

A professional expert in UI (User Interface) will design a site, page or app for web, mobile or tablet focusing on everything the user will find when they arrive at the site such as: slides, button customization, colors, adding a video or audio within the site, etc.

All kinds of elements that help capture the attention of visitors. Instead, the UX professional will focus on how the user will behave within the site and the reactions they will have within it.

Aspects such as how long it takes to load the site, where is the button to download, how do I see the services they offer, are detected by the professional UX and solved by the entire company.

A website can be very visually attractive and interact with the user at all times. However, this will be useless if the design of the user experience is not taken into account, which seeks to keep the visitor within the site for as long as possible.

UX’s Past, Present And Future


In the beginning, the Internet did not take into account user experience or web design.

The knowledge and importance of these aspects began to take on greater importance as new technologies and applications emerged, in this way the parameters of the interaction with the user were established and developed.


For most users the choice between pages or applications that offer the same products or services is based on the ease of use and the experience provided. The websites and apps designed and optimized are destined to last over time.

To achieve this, it is necessary for the UX to be present throughout the development process, which results in a long-term investment for companies since they avoid drastic changes and renovations within the interface of apps and websites.


UX design will lead to professionals focused on user experience, as well as companies that understand its importance and always seek to optimize and improve their websites.

On the other hand, not only will you seek to optimize purchase or subscription interactions (as it currently does), but you will see all existing interactions as a whole and throughout the process, from entering the website to completion when completing the purchase.

UX Benefits:

1) User loyalty: If users go through a bad experience like error pages or a complex system for a simple process, they won’t come back.

  • The client not only leaves but will go to the competition
  • Good UX management will get customers back, not new options to the product.
  • Loyal customers will be the best spokespersons for your brand.

2) Return on investment: With a good UX you can ensure that the investment generates measurable value.

  • The UX helps to eliminate confusion or discomfort throughout the visit process and after the purchase
  • A good UX will increase sales, market presence, number of visits and better reputation
  • The investment can be monetary or for a profit

3) Efficiency and productivity: A good UX helps users to carry out their activities in a more comfortable way and prevent errors.

  • Improving the efficiency of your user experience tools improves your productivity
  • A good UX avoids unnecessary and often redundant work
  • When a product is heavily used, saving a few seconds is important, as it reduces rebound

4) User satisfaction: When performing a task is easy for users, they tend to do it more often.

  • The UX must meet expectations, provide quality and guarantee user safety
  • Without a UX, the products will have characteristics or functions that can be used by the user or are used incorrectly, generating negative emotions.

5) Cost reduction: Errors detected in the design represent a much lower cost than those that can be detected in the development stage

  • Investing in UX ensures products are right from the start
  • Development team spends 50% of their time fixing UX problems
  • A good UX reduces the time and resources dedicated to training, support and improvements

6) Improve search engine positioning : With the recent changes in Google’s algorithms, it is noted that “it will penalize pages that are not usable on mobile phones with unfavorable places for organic search.”

  • SEO is a consequence of a good UX implementation and good programming practices.

Mobile User Experience

The UX mobile expert is in charge of studying and evaluating user interaction with mobile applications throughout the development process and once the application has been launched on the market, in order to identify and propose changes to improve interaction.

This professional works closely with the application designer and, above all, with the user interface (UI) aspects, as well as marketing, analytics and positioning specialists. In this way, the company ensures that it improves the reputation not only of the application, but also of the brand in general.


The user experience must be the key factor within each of the projects that the company develops. User experience can not be ignored even if you have to pay some extra money to achieve good user experience.

Consider it as an obligation which makes you able to stay a competitive company against the competition.


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